Saturday, January 30, 2016

acients barong brutuk

I invited my sister to go to Trunyan, which is lobarong-brutuk-di-desa-trunyan-kintamani-amani, Bangli. There Kapat Ngusaba ceremony at Temple Pancering Jagat. In a series of ceremonies will be held staging Brutuk Barong, which is one of the ancient Balinese art form that has a very long time was never staged. Given the scarcity of this performance, of course I do not want to waste it.

Although should face few barriers in the form of trees and electric poles uprooted, early in the morning I've got Trunyan. Crowd looked around the village, especially in the area of ​​Pancering Jagat Pura. We were well received by local and traditional leaders were briefed about the ceremony and staging this Brutuk Barong and order should we obey during the event. Although previously I had never heard of the existence of this Brutuk Barong, but frankly I saw it for the first time directly with my own eyes.

Barong Brutuk, Barong dance is very ancient and exists only in Trunyan that since hundreds of years ago was inhabited by native Balinese people. This dance depicts the life of the ancestors in ancient times. According to a source supposedly Brutuk Barong is Unen-Unen (men) from the ancestors Trunyan, namely Ratu Sakti Pancering Jagat and his wife Queen Ayu Dalem Basic Pingit.

Unlike other dance Barong in Bali that fashion is usually very full with decorative motifs, fashion Brutuk Barong is very simple. No engraving, no pieces of glass, especially prada golden paint. Just a collection of dried banana leaves (Keraras), which supposedly should only be plucked from the village Plate. No one knows why it should be of Pinggan. When I asked, some people just say "It has been so from the former".

Similarly, the mask is used. Looks very simple and different from other types of barong-barong in Bali. However, the masks looked very characteristic. A mask for example, is described as having character's face is firm and strong, while other masks have a more feminine character. There is also an old character, and so forth. No one can answer when I ask, who is the mask makers. They've found him like that. Hereditary.

In fact, according to a resident who accompanied me to chat, the number was changing every time they open storage. If today they open storage area was discovered 21 masks, then the next day it could be a mask that will total 23 pieces. Incidentally on the day I was there, the number of masks who danced there are as many as 19 pieces. According to him, regardless of the number of masks were found per day, then it must be staged everything. And the Cadet (young men) who wore the mask to be able to play its role. Hmm ... very interesting.

Different again with regular Barong, Barong Brutuk is not accompanied by music. Brutuk just a walk in the yard or around the temple Offal carrying a whip. So it is actually rather difficult if practically dancing, because it is only prayer, walk around and cracking whips. Not many residents allowed to enter to avoid the whips. Many residents seen watching from behind the fence, there are also some desperation at the door innards. Several times the population seems to take a leaf out of barong Brutuk Kraras and tucking in his ear. "For what?" I asked.

Residents believe that the leaf pieces from Barong Brutuk Kraras that brings salvation and blessings. Likewise, whip lash. Is believed to provide healing (tamba) for the sick. Some children calling and teasing Barong Brutuk that whipping toward them. "Queen !! meriki Queen "(Queen! Come here queen!) or" altered Tu! Tu altered! Nunas Tamba, Tu "(again the queen! Have Drugs). But when Barong Brutuk approached and whipping, the children running and laughing in delight. There are some people who got exposed to crack as well. There is even a resident who looked ailing knees begging instead whipped, and when whipped instead of vague but instead gave himself - because he believed in the efficacy of treatment of crack Barong Brutuk it. Besides keeping the time I see Barong Brutuk threw fruits of offerings to the audience. And people scramble to get it, because it is also believed to be a blessing and medicine.

This staging is very long. Morning only on page Offal temple, then after a short istiahat area continued to Jaba Pura (outer / lower temple area). In the afternoon staged Trunyan how men and women in earlier times looking for her partner, who called the event metambak-tambakan. Barong mask Brutuk with the king and queen dance this romance. They are equally aggressive dance with her, until finally feeling fit and married. I explained that the public confidence Trunyan, that affairs find a mate is not just business men who need aggressive selecting and determining the choice of his life, but the women were worth at aggresifnya in determining their choice

A resident said that this sacred dance had not been performed as it should be since twenty years, although never exhibited in the Bali Arts Festival. Yet another mother said that she remembered this dance ever staged in 2002. I then wondered, when should dance is staged? If not performed, why? And if now staged again, there must be the cause as well. Unfortunately I did not get a conclusive answer to the question in my head. Although some say the sacred dance is staged in order to invoke fertility.

According to a resident, Barong Brutuk should be staged every two years, at a ceremony Ngusaba Jagat Pura Pancering namely on Purnama Kapat. Purnama Kapat (fourth full moon in a calendar Bali) itself by residents coded Kapat Kapat Lanang and Wadon. Barong Brutuk only be played on Kapat Lanang by the Cadet (teenage boys). The following year, when Kapat Wadon, Barong Brutuk not staged. At Ngusaba in this Wadon Kapat, active is the Daa Flowers (girls). They will fill up the ceremony with a sacred cloth weaving. That is why naturally, Barong Brutuk only staged every two years. No one can give a definitive answer to me why this dance is not performed. Only a short story that in 2007, there was a catastrophic collapse of a large banyan tree which grew in the temple, so it is not possible to do the gig. So what happened in previous years?

There are still many questions that hung in my head. However, because it was getting late, so I became farewell to the leaders Trunyan to return to Bangli.

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